
Organizations & Ministries

Below are a list of the Organizations and Ministries which are currently active. If you are interested in joining or would like more information please call the Parish Office at 314.522.9264.

A social organization for people aged 50 and over. 

Adult Faith Development
Times of prayer and/or input on various topics are offered throughout the year for adults.  Each will assist one to grow in faith and understanding of ourselves in the catholic Church.

Athletic Association
The mission of Our Lady of Guadalupe Athletic Association is to provide an opportunity for our children and adults to participate in a recreational sports program which emphasizes good sportsmanship, participation, teamwork and an appreciation for sports.

Baptismal Preparation
Parents must attend a Baptismal Preparation Class before the baptism of their child. Please call the Parish Office to register for this class. Classes are offered in English and Spanish. 

Bereavement Committee
In time of sorrow as well as in time of joy, we are called to be Christ for one another. When there is a death in our parish family, we extend our love during this difficult time be providing a meal on the day of the funeral, along with our sympathy and prayers. Hopefully, by reaching out in this matter, we help our grieving families feel more united as God's family.

Boy Scouts
The parish in conjunction with other parishes has programs for scouts.  Contact is made through our day school.

Catechism Classes - Spanish
Children of our Hispanic families attend religion classes on Sunday mornings. Classes are for children of ages 6 - 14. Preparation for Reconciliation, Communion and Confirmation are given at the appropriate age levels. 

Credit Union
Gateway Metro Credit Union has been at Our Lady of Guadalupe.  For more information please contact Gateway at 314-621-4575.

Day School
Our Lady of Guadalupe operates a Catholic elementary school serving students in grades Pre-Kindergarten through eighth grade. We are accredited by the National Federation of Nonpublic Schools.

We are committed to our partnership with the parents and guardians of our students and recognize them as the first teachers of their children. Our mission is to holistically instill the values of Jesus in each one of our students through positive attitudes, academic growth, responsible citizenship, and appreciation of cultural and religious differences. We offer our students a solid curriculum taught by dedicated, qualified faculty. We also offer additional programs including hot lunch, latchkey, scouting, and sports. 

ESL - English as a Second Language
ESL is offered to those who would like to learn English as a second language. Please contact the Parish Office for further details. 

Eucharistic Ministers
Parishioners called to this ministry serve the community by distributing Holy Communion

Girl Scouts
The parish in communion with other parishes has programs for girls.  Contact is made through the day school.

Hispanic Fund
A group of the Hispanic members of our parish who are dedicated to doing something abut immediate material needs of some of the Spanish-speaking congregation, especially the most recent immigrants.  Complements the aims of St. Vincent de Paul.

Heavenly Dusters
Women and Men come up weekly to clean church and help keep things in church looking beautiful.  They give of their time for the benefit of the entire parish.  They are assigned to a team and then scheduled to clean on a monthly basis.

Home and School Association
The OLG Home and School Association is comprised of parents, teachers, the principal and parish leaders. This group meets 4-5 times per year on dates specified in the school calendar or newsletter. This organization meets the special needs of the school, acts as a forum for coordination of school activities, and provides the opportunity for parents and school personnel to communicate. All parents are encouraged to take an active part in this organization. 

Jonah Prayers
Jonah Prayer is a ministry of prayer.  Two people pray briefly with people following Sunday Mass for any/all needs.  Prayers are always kept confidential.

Ladies Club
The Ladies Club is for all ladies of the parish to gather for prayer, socializing and assisting with various service projects. The Ladies organization meets the first Wednesday of each month. 

The ministry of a lector calls for a person to grow in a warm and loving knowledge of Scripture.  The lector proclaims the Word of God.  The loving and healing movement of God through history is re-enacted and made present through the Word.

Liturgy Committee
A committee within the parish for parishioners to gather and share ideas on ways to enhance the liturgical aspect of the parish.  It is through this committee that the music, environment of the church, ritual, and ministries (lectors, Eucharistic Ministers, ushers, servers) are discussed and ways are sought to enhance the growth of the worship at the parish.

Marriage Preparation
Every couple that is planning to marry should contact the pastor or associate at least six months before the planned wedding.  Preparation is available in English or Spanish.

Men's Club
An organization for men of the parish. They participate in service projects for the parish, such as chicken dinners. The organization gives the men of the parish an opportunity to gather. The men's organization meets the second Wednesday of each month.

Ministry of Dance Guadalupe

OBJECTIVE: To educate children, youth and adults who love their culture and traditions, to spread the music, dance and folkloric traditions of Mexican folklore and accompanied by music from our Mexico, and thus serve the community with acceptance and hope.

MISSION: Promote Mexican culture through dance, music and typical costumes, upholding the traditions and customs of our origin with a distinctive style and original character, where the base is acceptance and hope; With the purpose of presenting a show that is appreciated by people of diverse backgrounds, nationalities and cultures.

VIEW: Be a dance ministry that promotes the missions of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Acceptance and Hope with major recognition in our St. Louis community.

Music Ministry
We have organ, piano and guitars at the various weekend Masses.  Also, cantors and chorus help to enhance the singing.  These people dedicate their time and music talents to enhance our liturgies.

Parish Council
The Council works in cooperation with the pastor and the total parish in setting policy and establishing goals, objectives and action plans. Nine (9) council members are drawn by lot for a three-year term and two (2) are appointed for a two-year term. The council meets on the first Tuesday of the month. 

Parish Finance
The Finance Committee assists the pastor and advises him on financial matters. It is the role of the Finance Committee to prepare and monitor a parish budget for the fiscal year. 

Parish School of Religion (PSR)
Those students in our parish who attend public school attend religion classes at Blessed Teresa of Calcutta. Blessed Teresa of Calcutta is a center for PSR in our area. Classes are on Monday evenings from 7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.. Children in Sacramental grades receive the sacraments at Our Lady of Guadalupe. The classes run from grades one through eight. 

The Prayerline consists of a group of parishioners, forming a network of prayer, lifting up all the needs of our parish family, in forms of petition and thanksgiving by means of a phone chain.  This unity in prayer enables us to become a more Christ-like community through care for one another.

These parishioners serve as the representatives from our parish in receiving the mailings and information from the archdiocese and other organizations concerning Pro-Life. They bring issues to our parishioners' attention through bulletin announcements, speakers, and offer various ways to become involved in the Pro-Life Movement.

Quinceanera celebration and preparation, contact the Parish Office.

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults/Children (RCIA/RCIC)
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is the process by which people become members of the Roman Catholic Church.  The process is concerned with the total formation of the person in to believing with the Church community, and serving with the Church community.  This gradual development culminates in the celebration of the initiation sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and the Eucharist at Easter time.  Meetings are held on Sunday mornings.  The process is in Spanish and English for both adults and children.

School Board
The OLG School Board acts as an advisory body to the Pastor and Principal.  The School Board assists in making policy decisions regarding the School Educational Program.  There are seven members sitting on the Board.  Five are elected by the Parish membership and two are appointed by the Pastor.  The Principal is the Executive Secretary of the Board. the Pastor and Pastoral Associate serve as ex-officio members.  School Board Meetings are held on the third Wednesday of each month with the exception of July.

St. Vincent De Paul
A very active organization within our parish. They collect food the first Sunday of each month for the parish food pantry, which they coordinate. They also handle the calls that come in for food and utility assistance. Items are always in need to restock the pantry. If you have anything you would like to donate, please bring it to the Parish Office. Items that are always in need: Peanut Butter & Jelly, Rice, Laundry Detergent. Toilet Paper, Women's Products. Dry Beans, Face Soap, Tuna, Diapers. For assistance please call 314-286-5212.

Any 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th or 8th grade boy or girl in the parish is eligible to be a server at the Saturday and Sunday Masses, at weddings, and at funerals.  Servers are assigned on a rotating basis, and each server receives a schedule of assigned times to serve.  A list of all servers and their phone numbers is provided should a server need to arrange for a substitute.

Ushers and Greeters
People greet and assist parishioners before and after Mass.  They also do various ministries such as take up collection during Mass and distribute the bulletins after Mass.

Hispanic Leadership Committee
Similar to Parish Council. The Hispanic Leadership Committee work in cooperation with the pastor and the total parish in setting policy and establishing goals, objectives and action plans in the growing Hispanic community at Our Lady of Guadalupe.